Hi I'm         
Jeremy Jackson
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Kids' Courses
Kids' Courses
Your children will learn life changing self-defense, success strategies, and a leadership system in these self-defense classes for kids. They will learn to protect themselves from front, back and ground attacks while having fun and developing new friendships. Watch them build confidence, self-esteem, and lead others. Notice they appreciate you more and take personal responsibility. Watch them achieve any goal. Give them the success they deserve.
Kids' Courses
Your children will learn life changing self-defense, success strategies, and a leadership system in these self-defense classes for kids. They will learn to protect themselves from front, back and ground attacks while having fun and developing new friendships. Watch them build confidence, self-esteem, and lead others. Notice they appreciate you more and take personal responsibility. Watch them achieve any goal. Give them the success they deserve.

Motivating Energy

Get inspired and motivated training (in-person or virtually) alongside other passionate students. Feel the energy only live training provides.

Accelerate Your Learning

Progress quicker with high-ranking black belts as your personal mentor. Their real-time feedback speeds-up your ability to successfully master key skills.

Rank Certification & Awards

Be recognized for your progress with official rank certificates, belts, awards, and titles. Proudly display your achievements for all to see.

Tribe Of Budo Heroes

You're not just joining a class. You're joining a community of like-minded Budo Heroes who inspire and help each other to grow and succeed.
Discover the Hero in Your Kids
Kids Self-Defense
Success System
(Online Training)
A self-defense and life success strategies online training system for kids! Your children will learn how to defend themselves and how to employ strategies to help them achieve their goals, all from the comfort of their own home. Let your kids discover the hero in themselves and teach them the habits to set them up for success in their lives.
Future Heroes
Future Hero Self-Defense
Empower your kids with the skills to stay safe from harm and be ready for the real world, all from the comfort of your own home! This specially designed live virtual training program teaches kids to be resilient and face difficult situations with unstoppable confidence. Your children will be healthy, strong, and capable of defending themselves in any situation, yet smart enough to know when to use it. They be grateful for what they have (especially their parents). This course is delivered through our unique Success Coaching Martial Arts method.
Future Heroes
Kids Karate & Self-Defense (Virtual)
Empower your kids with the skills to stay safe from harm and be ready for the real world, all from the comfort of your own home! This specially designed program teaches kids to be resilient and face difficult situations with unstoppable confidence. Your children will be healthy, strong, and capable of defending themselves in any situation, yet smart enough to know when to use it. They be grateful for what they have (especially their parents). This course is delivered through our unique Success Coaching Martial Arts method.
Heroes in the Making
Future Hero Self-Defense
Empower your kids with the skills to stay safe from harm and be ready for the real world with our Future Hero Self-Defense program! Your children will learn how to handle difficult situations, both mental and physical, while becoming confident, healthy, and strong. Let us teach your kids how to defend themselves and when to use those skills, gratitude (especially for their parents), and mental fortitude. This live in-person training course is delivered through our unique Success Coaching Martial Arts method.

Study Your Way

With our virtual courses, you can study and train at your own pace day or night. With our material available 24/7, you can train anywhere with internet access.

High Quality

Certified instructors with over 25 years’ experience, tried and tested on thousands of students – all to ensure the highest quality material and instruction for you.

Best Value

We provide the highest value courses at a reasonable price. We're always looking for new ways to serve you better and meet your needs.

Our Community

You're not just buying a program. You're joining a community of likeminded individuals who inspire each other to grow and help each other succeed.
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